“It was like they designed the exact program I’d been dreaming about. By the beginning of the 2012 school year, language proficiency has risen to 52% and math to 76%, bringing PS316 from the bottom third to the top third in school performance in New York City Public Schools.”
Olga Maluf, Principal
Improves Student Attention
Sustained Attention

Pre-Test vs. Post-Test
The data shows gains in student attention from the beginning of the ACTIVATE™ program to the end. Students are given the Flanker Test of Attention based on procedures described in the NIH Toolbox™ before starting the ACTIVATE™ program and then again after completing the ACTIVATE™ program.
Working Memory

Control Group vs. ACTIVATE™
The data showing improvement in working memory was derived from an NIH funded research program at Yale Medical School comparing a control group of students against a group of students using ACTIVATE™.
Processing Speed

Control Group vs. ACTIVATE™
The data showing improvement in processing speed was derived from an NIH funded research program at Yale Medical School comparing a control group of students against a group of students using ACTIVATE™.Enhances Academic Skills
Increased Reading Levels

Guided Reading Levels (Fontas & Pinnell) Students with 25 sessions of ACTIVATE™ vs Students with less.
The data showing an advancement in reading levels was derived from an NIH funded research program at Yale Medical School comparing students reading level gains after completing a specified number of ACTIVATE™ sessions.

NWEA Reading Comprehension Gains – Control Group vs. ACTIVATE™
The data showing an advancement in comprehension was derived from an NIH funded research program at Yale Medical School comparing students reading level gains after completing a specified number of ACTIVATE™ sessions.Math

NWEA Mathematics Assessment – Control Group vs. ACTIVATE™
The data showing an advancement in math levels was derived from an NIH funded research program at Yale Medical School comparing students reading level gains after completing a specified number of ACTIVATE™ sessions.