Meet the C8 Sciences Executive Team

Chief Executive Officer

Tim Kish

Tim has over 30 years of senior management experience helping to build early-stage therapeutic and technology-based life science companies into large, successful leaders in their industry. As Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Biogen, he had multiple strategic, operational, and financial management responsibilities while helping transform the company from a clinical-stage research organization into the global leader in multiple sclerosis therapies. Following that, he joined Illumina before its IPO, playing a major senior management role in all significant company operations as it grew to become the international leader in genomics instrumentation and services. Since then, he has continued to focus on and nurture emergent life-sciences companies as an investor and consultant, helping establish several pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device companies and serving as part of the senior management team, an advisor or board member for several of them.

Chief Scientific Advisor

Dr. Bruce Wexler

Bruce E. Wexler, M.D. is professor emeritus of psychiatry and senior research scientist at Yale School of Medicine and director of the Neurocognitive Research Laboratory at the Connecticut Mental Health Center. In 35 years of neuroscience research, he has advanced the understanding of brain plasticity and been an international leader in developing computer-presented brain exercises to treat cognitive deficits in people with psychiatric illnesses. His patent-pending innovations led to the development of the ACTIVATE™ cognition cross-training program for children and adults. Dr. Wexler graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University, studied psychiatry at Anna Freud’s Hampstead Clinic and Neurology at the Institute of Neurology, Queen’s Square, London. He received his Doctor of Medicine from Albert Einstein College of Medicine and training in psychiatry at Yale. He has received multiple highly prestigious research grants from the National Institute of Health and private foundations, including a Career Scientist Award and a grant for “paradigm changing medical research” from the Director of the NIH. Professor Wexler has published more than 100 scientific papers and articles. His book, Brain and Culture: Neurobiology, Ideology, and Social Change (MIT Press), has received international attention. Dr. Wexler has given invited and keynote lectures throughout North America as well as in Europe and Asia.

Board Chairman

William Zaggle

Former educational researcher at Texas A&M, VP of startup Engineering Software company, co-founder and CEO of Excelsior Software, Inc., and Chief Innovation Officer for Scantron, Inc., current Chief Academic Officer for Wazzle Solutions and global educational technology consultant.   With over 35 years of experience in both software development, and the Educational Technology industry, he brings a deep understanding of innovation, software design, marketing, and support for teaching and learning.  As a primary director and acting CIO, he is helping C8Sciences to communicate its powerful solution to schools, establish a strong sales and marketing team, and build a leading edge market for schools to maximize their leverage of modern neuro-science in helping all students learn and close the achievement gap.